Gary Hurst


L’artiste séjourne en janvier et février 2016 à titre individuel.

Gary Hurst
britannique né en Afrique du sud en 1964
basé à Berlin et à Londres
diplômé de la Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic en 1986 et du Piet Zwart Institute de Rotterdam en 1997

Gary Hurst makes drawings, installations, short video works, live video performances and designs sets for dance and theatre. Since 2003 collaborated with RaumlaborBerlin on numerous projects and with the musician Winterberg on live av performances since 2002. His videos give form to the random relationship between the experience of the everyday and the remaining memories. He uses digital editing to create structures within which the process of remembering and memory itself can be visualised. His videos are often without beginning or end, rarely utilising a linear narrative structure, they emit seemingly random and repetitive impulses that signal in the viewer there own personal interpretation.


Gary Hurst